Episode 17

Published on:

7th Jun 2024

Reality Shifted - Changing Your Thoughts Changes Everything

Juli Miezejeski, life coach, helps high achieving women escape the prison of career and life

choices that no longer serve them. She uses a reality shifted system because,

as your reality shifts your life changes.

Join Juli's FB Community: (3) High Achieving Women -- Live Your Purpose and Grow | Facebook

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Hi and welcome to The You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we have with us, Julie Miezejeski


She says with a question mark. She lives a life coach who helps high achieving women escape the prison of career and life choices that no longer serve them. She uses a reality shifted system because, as your reality shifts.


Your whole life becomes totally different. Welcome to the show, Julie. It's really great to have you with us.


Thank you. And so I'm very happy to be here.


So tell us your story. How did you get started in life coaching and to just wake up one day and decide?


That was going.


To be it. No, it was a long. It was long in the making.


I base. I grew up in a middle class family and basically when I grew up.


You were heavily influenced by your parents and your teachers and all people of authority that you had contact with, and a lot of times your choice of profession was not always clear in your head.


And you went to college to pursue that career and.


I went to college and I basically followed in my oldest brother's.


Footsteps and study business. But I always had a very strong interest in psychology because my other brother is a PhD in psychology and you know that topic always interests me a lot.


So after taking a few psychology courses in college and having already dipped my feet in the money making ponds of Wall Street, I changed my mind quickly and decided I did not want to study psychology.


I wanted to be a business major.


So that's what I did. I went college, got my bachelors degree in computer Information systems, which I guess you would call it IT today. And then I got. I went to work for a very large corporate IT.


I got my MBA through them and uh, my MBA was in marketing strategy and management science so.


I was about.


Ten years in.


To my career.


And I just felt something went off in my head and it said.


What am I doing here?


I I just don't feel comfortable here anymore. I don't think I made the right choice and I started to panic. So.


I said, well, let me.


Let me look around. Maybe I just need to change my my position. Go work for another company or whatever. So I did that a few times, got different positions, different companies.


But I still had that hankering in me that I was not in the right place. I wanted to move on.


And eventually I mean I stuck it out because let's face it, when you have an MBA and you start climbing the corporate ladder, you're making good money with all the nice perks, benefits, nice vacation time.


And I just.


I just stuck it out, but I knew that I didn't belong there and.


Anyway, when I left corporate.


I met just before I left corporate. I met my boss's executive coach.


And we had a long conversation. Well, 15 minutes in the hallway. And I was just the light bulbs were going off in my head.


And I said that is where I want to move on to.


So life went by. I left corporate I.


I had children. I started raising my family and so then I went for a life coach certification.


And at the time my daughters, I have twin daughters. They were only 8.


And it just I tried for about a year to practice, but it I just felt like I wasn't giving enough attention to my daughters and they were my priority, though I put it on the back burner.


And when my daughters went to college, I went back to starting my life coaching practice again.


So that's the long story of how I became a life coach.


It's really interesting because I think a lot of women.


I can relate to your story in terms of they're they're stuck in a job or career choice that.


They're not really like it doesn't light them up.


Like when you ran into that, that executive life coaches like ohh yeah, that I just know that's what I should be doing. And then kids come along or you get married or some transition happens in your life that really just like shifts your whole life that it's not time yet for that but as we get older then.


And the kids become less dependent on us and and really we don't feel the need to constantly be.


Turning our attention and focus to them because that that period of time is really relatively short when you're first starting out and you just have kids, you're like ohh God, I'm going to be a parent for the rest of my life and and they're just going to consume my whole world. And it's really about.


12 years.




At about the 12 year mark, they start going like, whoa, mom, back off. I got I'm my own person here. I love you dearly.


But I don't need you 24/7.


So that's right.


And then as they get even older, you're you suddenly find yourself like, you know, who am I, and what am I doing with my life?


Exactly. Exactly.


That's why what I do relates to women at any stage in their life really, because I've seen it all and.


I you know, I feel so.


Connected to all of these women who are high achievers, and they are always looking to make their lives better in some way or another.


But at the same time, they feel.


They need a sense of purpose and.


They're just not finding it and they don't know how to find it.


So that's why I feel that's where I can help these types of women. They're they're sort of like the younger version of myself.


Yeah, that often happens, yes.


It's like you figure something out and it's like here here just.


Do this. It's the shortcut.


Yeah, but it doesn't work. You know, it doesn't always work, and so you need to dig deeper.


You know.


And that's why I've gone on to study not just. Well, I started out with the certification in poor energy coaching.


Which is basically how your mental and emotional energy shift.


UM, you know you have your shifts and your mental and emotional energy. How to adjust here and there. But then I went on to study positive intelligence, and I am currently.


Getting a certification as a positive intelligence coach and right now I'm as a student of that, I'm called a mental fitness trainer.


And because it's sort of the analogy is like.


You work out your physical muscles to get fit.


And this is working out your mental muscles to to be fit, you know, so it's basically.


A way to manage your any sabotaging behaviors you have with.


What they call Sage powers or things like.


Apathy. I mean empathy. I'm sorry. Empathy. You may. You may have apathy when you begin, but then you, you know, you use empathy. You use.


A lot of you know good behaviors that will sort of.


Battle out the the the sabotaging behaviors.


So that's another one. And I also very strongly use the power of my own intuition.


So it's almost like I can read when I get to know my client I can read.


Almost read what's going on in in their mind.


So it's it's really, it's so interesting and I love it.


So do you work mainly with people in groups or one-on-one?


I do all I do one-on-one, mostly one-on-one.


UM, but I I do have groups which I'm just starting to develop. I haven't developed any specific packages. That is my goal this year to come out with my signature coaching pack.


I don't have anything specific right now, but I work on an individual basis right now.


Well, that makes total sense and you can really tailor what you're doing to each individual client that you have coming along, so.




Do you do you work with just?


Individuals, or I know you work with high achieving individuals, but are they? They more likely to be in corporations, I mean.


You. Well, no, not necessarily. They could be or they could. They could be entrepreneurs.


Just generally professional people, doctors, lawyers.


Teachers college professors.


All people you know, mostly.


A lot of high educated people, but also high achieving highly skilled people.


It's it's just, it's mostly people that are very, very driven.


To to make a make a mark, you know.


And not only their lives, but in the lives of others. Basically, yeah.


That makes total sense.


So how would people find you?


Well, I have a a group on Facebook. It's called high achieving women.


Live your purpose and grow.


And in the group.


I have uh, I do. Facebook lives usually about once a week, where I will either discuss a topic like a self growth topic.


Or some weeks. I'll I'll have a community gathering where Members can join together, meet each other.


Discuss whatever they wanted, whatever comes up.


And I also do member spotlights where I give Members the chance to talk about their businesses and how people can get in touch with them. If you know they need their help with anything.


So it I've been, I've had the group about a year now and it's growing.


It's a very.


Uh hearts heart centered high achieving, but heart centered group of women.


That's how I describe it.


Yeah, it sounds like a nice, comfortable place to.


Spend some time and and get some tips. You do lives in there about different topics around.


Life skills with.


Around the the you know.


Obstacles that come up, which are mostly.


Women's own self sabotaging behaviors.


That will get in their way. So and basically it's they're like getting in their own way.


And they're not even aware of it sometimes, you know. So I help them to identify those behaviors and also help them. Some of them don't even really know.


What exactly they're looking for?


But I helped them to identify that.


Two and as a result, they they they basically find themselves and find out.


You know where they want to go from where they are or who they want to be.


It's really it's really, you know, fulfilling and and it's fun.


Yeah, it's interesting. I've had clients.


Where just having them do the vision exercise.


And at the end.


You know, you wait a a few months and then suddenly.


They're they're in the vision, their their vision has materialized and.


It becomes their reality.


It's just the power.


Yeah, it becomes their reality and and it really is just because they spent some time really focused on.


What they wanted their life to look like and not so much on the I don't want this, but I really just focus on this is what I want. This is what it feels like. This is what it smells like. This is what it sounds like and just doing that exercise it's it's why people create.


Vision boards and then you know, they put the vision board away and a few years later they pull it out and they're like, oh, got that got that got that got that got that got that.


I know it's amazing. It's it's.


You know, I look back on some of the journals I've written over the years and it's just amazing how so many of the things I've dreamt about have come true.


They show up in your life. All you have to do is just shine the spotlight on them and.


And just really feel it for a while.


And yeah, and.


Having a coach help you do that, it's like.


To golden. Yeah, somebody that can say, you know, do this exercise.


And then do this exercise and how are you feeling and helping you to identify what your body is doing because so many of us just go through life and it's like we.


It's all in our head. Everything is in our head. We don't. We don't get into our bodies. We don't know what our body's feeling like. Unless you know something's complaining to us. And even then, it's like we'll take something and make it stop complaining.


Here's a lollipop thing.


Right. You put a Band-Aid on it.




It goes away for a while.


But it it's still there.


You know, it's like that. It's you always.


Have to scratch it.


Yeah. Yeah, so.


Join your Facebook group and do you do you do lives on a schedule? Do you do these spotlights on a schedule? What? What's it look like over there?


Uhm, I make this. I usually make this schedule up once a month at the beginning of the month. Like now I have to make my March schedule up and they're not always the same day, not always the same time.


But I will make people aware of, you know, at the beginning of each month for that month when it and what.


Each week.


There's a schedule and people can.


Put on their calendar when?


When they want to be there and what what you're covering?


Yes, that's that's great. That's a great idea. And when you do, the spotlights are you just pull from your community or do you pull from outside of your community?


Well, right now I'm pulling from the community because I'm finding a lot of interesting people that want to be on.


You know right and.


On the.


Eventually I assume I probably will go outside the community.


Yeah, as it grows so.


What's the one thing that you hope the audience will take away from this conversation, Julie?


Well, I would really like to see anyone who resonates with what I've talked about to join my group.


And I'd love to meet anybody who's interested in in talking with me.


And take advantage of what ioffer in the group.


Ohh and I am, I would like to to mention that I'm going to be writing book this year which will be released at the end of the year.


I've been contracted with a company called she Rises Studios and I will be writing a book. I I don't want to say the title because I'm not absolutely sure of what it's going to be.


But I will be writing books, so look for my book at the.


End of the year.


That'll be exciting. That'll be very exciting. We'll have to have you back on to.


Talk about it. OK. I would love to.


All right. Thanks for joining me.


Thank you.

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The You World Order Showcase Podcast
Inspiring Conversations with Coaches Transforming Lives and the World—Practical Tools for Personal Growth and Positive Change
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Jill Hart - The Coach's Alchemist &
Host, You World Order Showcase Podcast
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Jill Hart

The Coach's Alchemist & host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast is dedicated to empowering life, health and transformational coaches being the change they want to see in the world. Join our private community, where you will find support, networking & collaboration, get featured on our podcast and we also provide coaching to help you find clients with podcasts. It all starts with joining our community! (it's free)