Episode 18

Published on:

8th Jun 2024

Dropping the Perfect Mask: Being Brave and Messy Changes Everything

Tiffany Gilleland joined us to share her thoughts on how being brave and messy changes everything!

You can find her Facebook Group here: (3) Business Bravery with Tiffany G Studios | Facebook

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Hi and welcome to The World Order Showcase podcast. Today we have with us Tiffany, whose last name starts with a G and she'll tell you what it is in.


A few minutes.


From tiffanygstudios.com, Tiffany helps coaches be brave so you can sign up more clients even if you hate marketing.


And sales feels sticky. Love that. Welcome to the show, Tiffany. And do pronounce your last name for everyone. Since I don't seem to be able to.


That's alright, you and everybody else. So my surname is Gilleland. But it looks like Gilliland when you write it down. So confuses everybody and it's my married name. And if I'd have thought about it, I probably wouldn't have agreed to change it. But here we are with the weird name that nobody can pronounce.


Yeah, but Tiffany's beautiful and your last name is beautiful. Just.


I don't know. I think maybe it's just the way it looks when you see it written. It's really hard for your brain to like.


Shift into like I tried to write it down phonetically and I still.


It just doesn't want to like come out.




It's probably just me. Yeah, it's Welsh origins, although there's nobody Welsh in the family line that's, you know, like, that's so many generations back.


Yeah, yeah.


I hear you.


My my family was a Walsh, which was much easier to pronounce.


Oh yeah, yeah.


So how did you?


Get started in all of this. Tell us your story, because I think you have a good story in there so.


Ohh thank you.


Yeah, it's definitely interesting and full of twists and turns. So I guess, like, I probably jump back to about 12 months ago. So I won't start too far back and bore.


Well, but yeah, about 12 months ago I'd been working in online marketing for over 10 years and I was working as a launch coach and I was a bit burnt out and a bit miserable with my business and I was working with a coach and she said, hey, if you had all the money in the bank already, what would you do? And it was easy, like, immediately without even thinking, I said.


I would start the podcast I'd been dreaming of for three years. I would create a community. I would share other people, and I wouldn't be so stressed and worried about money. And it's like as soon as I said that out loud, it was like actually there is nothing stopping me from doing that because I have a background in doing the production work, video production and all.


That so it was like, OK, the only thing stopping me was being was my fear probably. And so yeah, I had this idea for doing a bravery podcast. I knew, like, what name it was going to be. It had been, in my mind for three years. And I started that podcast, ironically, or I mean, coincidentally, I had to be brave and start the preview.


And then yeah, it just it changed everything like I thought it was going to help people to launch. But the stories that people were telling the the coaches who came on the podcast were telling me, like, one of the stories was one of the the girls said, Ohh, I sold out all of my sales calls. And then I had to get into the bathtub and rock back and forth.


Just to get through the anxiety and not just go and cancel them all. And yeah, and I just that really resonated with me and it resonated with a lot of other people.


And then through talking to these amazing coaches, I then had to be more brave myself and deal with my own anxiety. And so I started doing brave things and my business grew and people were excited to talk to me like when I went into a networking call and I'd say, ohh, I'm a launch coach, people's eyes would glaze over and go launch coach, that's, you know, launch is a four letter word.


And talk to me about launching, but when I go in and say hey, I help people be brave and I run a podcast on bravery. Suddenly everybody's like, hey, booking a coffee chat. I mean, I didn't even know this world of coffee chats existed. And then I was like ohh hey. Alright. So yeah, that's kind of.


How I got to where I am in in the shortest sort of story possible and yeah, why I'm so passionate about what I do.


It's starting podcast is not for the timid. Most people don't do more than I think the number was like 20. If you can get past 20 episodes, then you're a real.


Yeah, yeah, you're in the top 1% of podcasts or something, yeah.


A rare podcast.


Not to be confused with being in the top 1% of the ratings of podcasts because there's a big difference between the two, but most people you know, it's really it's not hard to start a podcast. It's hard to start a podcast and get it.


Oh yeah, talk right in.


Yes, yes, yes.


Yes. Yeah.


Enough traction that people are listening to it and downloading episode.


And that's really what drives your your ratings numbers.


Yeah, I think there's a lot of effort to in the the initial wave when you're all excited is awesome. Once you settle in and you realise you're doing the same tasks, especially if you're editing your own podcast and you don't have the luxury of a team or something and you realize like like it's sort of like one of my brave goals for this year.


Was like being OK with boredom of some of that stuff, just to keep moving everything forward. So yeah, I think it's definitely a challenge for people.


Yeah. And and finding.


Finding guests that meet your criteria and just the the.


The the beginning.


Just getting started. I I'm going to those people that I just start things I I can always go back later and fix stuff if I have to. Usually I just keep moving on and hopefully it gets better.


I've had a week with typos, though I have to say is like everything I've done. Even though I reread it and I look for typos, it's just.


I can't believe I did that.


I hear you. I feel like I just want to change the spelling of certain words that I frequently have typos on. Like, thanks. Now just has a B in it. Everybody. I'm sorry. That's just how it is. If you can't work out what I'm saying, then I'm sorry.


I have words. There is one of them. There, there, the the THEIRI have to like stop and do it because.


When I was in 3rd grade, it was a spelling word and it was right after we'd gone through I before E except after C and it's just there is an exception.


I didn't get the memo. My brain is just like. Nope, Nope, Nope. We don't know how to spell that word and who I always type out how.


I'm ready.


I I have to go back through and look for any time I was supposed to be saying who and make sure it doesn't say how all the same letters, but my fingers they just think who is typed HOW.


Ohh man and that's the those are the kinds of things too. You can't necessarily do like find and replace because it might be the real one. The one you actually wrote might be the right.


One and yeah.


Yeah, yeah.


Problems with being an old typist started out as a secretary a million years ago.


Well, how many words per minute did you get up to like? What was your if you don't mind me asking?


I I can type probably 90 words a minute now, but on a typewriter it was probably around.




OK. Yeah.


On those electrics, but I.


My fingers know what things look like. I have to disengage my brain when I type from paper.


Because my fingers know where to go.


But if I engage my brain.


All kinds of terrible things happen.


Like I can't tell you where letters are on the computer, but I can type on a on a keyboard that has no letter, no letters left on it. In fact, I had a keyboard for a time and my my family used to hate it because they would come.


In and.


They're like, how do you type on this? I can't even see the letters.


It's like, well, I don't know. My fingers know where they are. I just go with that.


I don't ever.


Look at my hands when I'm typing.


But that's how you learn the touch typing, isn't it? Like, that's part of how I was taught is you cover the keyboard up so you can't look at it and have to type or something. Isn't that? Yeah. Makes sense.


Yeah, just one of those things.


You wanna be brave? Just go for it.


Absolutely. So you're.


You are a podcast host. We we do need to make sure that everybody knows that and her podcast is Business Bravery podcast and you do have people come on and chat with you and what kind of people do you have to come?


Come on your show.


Yeah. So mostly coaches like because I help coaches, I share stories from other coaches, although every now and then I click with someone who's.


You know, like maybe they're into branding or something like that and they've got something interesting or new on the topic to say. And so then I I connect with them as well. But what we do on the podcast is like we share their stories. So they're not just there showing up, going ohh, you know, hey, here's my staff by my staff. It's actually. So what brave things are you doing now in your?


Business what brave things did you do to get started? And then what brave things do you have coming up? And then everything else in between? So it's just something really inspirational and and valuable. At least, you know, has been for me so.


Yeah, I totally get it. You learn so much when you get to talk to so many people.


Yeah, absolutely. And just it was really interesting just seeing all of the.


The similarities in what people have to go through and you know, things like believing in themselves and you know. Ohh, can I really coach other people? Can I really help people? Can I really start this business? Who am I? And just like pretty much every guest has some sort of story around around some of those things and.


Yeah, it's just sort of, yeah, always interesting. It's not a case of. Ohh. OK. Yeah, I'm brave at the beginning of my business has got bravery sorted. I never need to be brave again. Cause like, every level, there's something you know outside of your comfort zone. Something brave to do so.


Even if it's just moving on, you know to the next thing doing the next.


Logical thing or hiring a coach? Hiring a coach is a really.


It's a thing that takes a lot of bravery because you don't know for sure that this person is going to be able to help you and.


I'll give you a tip.


Every coach I've ever hired and I've hired so many of them over the years, I've easily spent over $150,000 on coaching in my lifetime.


Nice. I've been at this for a long time, but it's. I'll teach you something.


They're doing something slightly different and.


You will always take something away from the.


From the experience, whether it's.


What you wanted or.


How they're doing it, you know how they're doing. It is sometimes worth the cost of admission just to see how they're putting something together. So you can do something similar. Not exactly the same thing, but in.


In whatever field you're working in and.


So it's it's.


Always a good idea to to find people that you admire and.


And pay them something to help you.


To learn, learn what it is that they know.


You know, not everybody knows everything that's, you know, when we go to college, we take lots of different courses. It's not like one professor teaches you everything you need to know about the curriculum that you're trying to get your degree in well.


Life is like that when you hire coaches and business is like that. Especially now because things change so fast and new technologies come along and new.


New apps? Really. It's like ohh these people saw a gap and they're exploiting it and you know, I can use that here. Just we were talking before the show. I was back engineering something. I saw somebody else doing.


And and it was because they found this this app.


That could do the specific thing that they were. They're teaching people to do. It's more complex than that, but basically, it's this app allows them to do something and they discovered it.


That's so cool.


Absolutely. And in the world of podcasting, anything that makes things easier cause there's there's quite a bit of work behind getting the podcasts up and out into the world. So yeah.


It is and it's it's more difficult in the beginning. It's like anything else you do, the more you do it.


The repetitive process, the faster you get at it.


Sorry, yeah.


And then more, you have to slow down a little bit so you don't make the.


Mistakes so easy to make.


That's where I love having a a brand around bravery now cause it's like I get to be brave and I get to be a little bit messy. And it's like if I make mistakes, it's like hey, I'm.


Just being brave guys.


And somehow that label is just like, it's like a shield.


That you can hold up and say don't you throw your ears at me? I'm being brave.


Here, Braves field.


Yeah, yeah. Actually, it's funny. Funny you say that cause it's sort of. It also works on the the little inner critic and and that kind of stuff. So yeah, it definitely helps and.


Yeah, especially cause like for me bravery. It's more than just feel the fear and do it anyway. It's kind of like actually, you know, shoot for the moon land on the stars. But don't beat yourself up because you didn't land on the moon the first time and then, you know, focusing on effort over results and kind of you know getting your subconscious and everything on board. So when you go to take the actions that you want to take in your business.


You're not sort of like subtly sabotaging it because you're subconscious isn't feeling safe like those little sabotages of.


Ohh suddenly like you're in the middle of running master classes and for some reason you just can't get yourself to send the replays even though you know you should or somebody asks you for a quote or something. And oh I want to know about working with you and you don't get back to them as quickly as you normally would, because sometimes that can be your like subconscious and just wanting to feel safe.


And just no, can't do anymore. And yeah, so that's kind.


Yeah. What sort of.


Bravery sort of memes and yeah.


I like that. I like that the concept for me, the images of, you know, the nights and the old days and their armor and and and really the shield thing because having that shield is just like and even for your own head it it gives you that feeling of.


Like I'm putting on brave today and I'm all dressed up. I've got my armor on my brave armor. Then I got my shield up. So you're telling your subconscious you're safe. You're safe. You got your armor on. We can go out there and we can do what we're gonna do, and nobody's going to hurt us. Cause got our arm wrong.


Yeah. Oh my gosh. I haven't thought about it like that, but maybe subtly, yes. Or for me it's it's like, you know, it's like putting on the Superman suit, even though Superman's not my favorite superhero by any means. But it just it. It is a little bit of like, you know, putting on the suit. And it's like, oh, you know, I'm being brave and rather than before, with all the anxiety I used to avoid things and.


Ohh, you've gotta get to that. Gotta get to that. And then it gets bigger and bigger in my head and scarier in my head. So then it just would be harder to do those things. Where?


Just by being brave and like even small, brave things like picking up the phone and calling someone or something like that, like business related. And then yeah, it just becomes easier and easier to keep doing that stuff. So yeah.


I think I wonder if that's not why we used to wear uniforms. It was an identity and you, you put on brave as an identity. I am a brave person.


And we don't. Most people don't wear uniforms anymore. But in the military, you know, they have uniforms. And then when they went to the office, they used to wear suits and a tie. And there's no reason for a tie.


So you have something handy if you want to hang yourself. I don't know.


This is well today thought about that, and like all the buttons that ugly we need to cover them up the buttons.


You can't tell which.


Way the buttons fold I I guess for women they're on one side of men.


They're on the.


Other I stole my wife's blouse today.


We only have one blouse. We have to share. Today was my day to go out. Little piece of cloth over it.




Ohh OK.


So yeah, assuming an identity.


An identity of bravery. I I really like that whole concept. So yeah. How? How do you help people? And I know you have a Facebook community.


We should talked about that a little bit.


Yes, yes. So I do have its business bravery with TIFF and yeah, it's this place. Like, I'm just pulling it together now as part of these master classes that I'm running. I have a business bravery framework. So this whole stuff that I teach in.


That sort of stuff. It's all about, you know, setting the brave goals and, you know, planning.


Not your your life, but that's goal setting like, not, not the way I was taught goal setting at school. You know these people who are like ohh just do what you did last year and add 10% for me. I like stuff that's exciting and fun and it's a little bit challenging and everybody's version of challenging is different but yes. Yes.


This one.


I mean, you say the word set an achievable goal and I go now I won't take any.


Action on that. Thanks so.


Yeah, I've created this whole thing of doing brave goals and then as part of that process, while we're doing the planning, we actually look at the fears and the objections that come up while we're doing the planning and we kind of work through those ahead of time so that you know, normally you like I this is how I used to do it. I'd plan out and and I'd.


Plan this awesome thing. I'm gonna run this launch. It's gonna be amazing. And then I would expect myself to become a completely different person during the implementation. I suddenly thought that I was gonna have No Fear, no objections, and I'd do all the things I wouldn't get stuck in procrastination. But that's not how it works. In reality, a lot of the time, especially when.


Doing big, brave things in your business. So that's why I kind of use some of these mindset tools and created this as part of the planning so that we can actually have a plan for when your brain says, you know what, tiff? Nobody really. Nobody wants your master classes. Don't don't post about it today. No, nobody really wants it. And I mean, I listen to that.


Always too much and it's like now I have a plan and go actually, you know.


What I've worked.


Through this and I have a plan and I have some new thoughts and actually it's possible that they will want to see the master class and that kind of stuff so.


That's part of how I help people. And then in the Facebook group we go even deeper into the process and I do a little bit of extra bonus coaching and help people with like, the check-ins and the staying on track and the accountability, because what I found is I would teach the system and people go. This is amazing. And then within a couple of days.


They would fall into some old habits, especially the old thinking like thought patterns and things.


That and then they would feel bad because they'd fallen off track with their goals and things. So that's why I want to create something that really helps people sort of build the foundations and really solidify that. So yeah. And then of course, from there there's actual like one-on-one coaching with me and all that and a paid capacity. But that's what I have in.


In my like free.


Free offers at the moment. So yeah, does that make sense?


Makes total sense and it it's really I think it's.


It fills a gap where people are like, you know, I know I should be doing these things. I may not know exactly how to do them. Maybe I know all the steps and I know I should be doing them. Maybe I tried it half heartedly once, maybe even tried it half heartedly twice and it didn't go the way I wanted it to go so.


Obviously I shouldn't be doing that instead.


And if they can go and and you know, troubleshoot with you and say, OK, so let's look at it. Why didn't it work? And what were your numbers? And you know, what can you reasonably expect from from the next go around and and just changing like one thing.


See how that works? Then change one more thing and not try to just like, throw everything up in the air, reshuffle it and try again. And then if it works, you don't know why it worked and the other thing didn't.


Yeah. Well, I mean, like, yes, there's that side of things in kind of the the outside world, but there's also the stuff in, in the thoughts and and the thought patterns and stuff which just helps people to to take action, cause it's very different when you go out there going ohh, will you buy my thing? Will you buy my coaching?


Please buy my coaching cause then I'll know I'm a good coach. If you buy my coaching versus.


Hey I am my best self right now. I am here. I'm here to serve you and here's how I help you. It's like you can feel even the shift. Hopefully you can feel the shift in my voice and it's like, who do you want to work with? And and you can kind of see how that can create just different results in terms of people buying with you and that's just a slight change in thought.


Of actually, you know, I've made a decision that I'm worthy and that I'm here to serve rather than the other thoughts of. Ohh, maybe I'm worthy. What if I'm not worthy? Will they? Will this person tell me I'm worthy which can hold us back a lot?


Yeah, especially when you're looking for other people to give you affirmations, it it has to come from inside you. And instead of thinking of things as.


Selling. I really don't like that word. I've been in sales for like, 40 years of my life, so I have some experience with it, but I I always just wanted to help people. And sometimes in the helping you get.


An exchange of energy which is currency. Sometimes you get an exchange of energy which can.


Be other things.


It's just an exchange of energy, and if you're if you're genuinely trying to help someone that you know you can help and you don't make the offer, that's kind of.


Not fair to you or to them, because I mean, you could help them. They need your help.


It's kind of incumbent on you to to offer it.


If they say no, they say no, but you know you, you should make the offer and and you should own own the price of whatever it is. You know. If you've decided on the price that you're going to charge for something, then it's just the price. It's not. I'm charging. It's just the price is.


Yeah, and.


And when you're putting your offer together.


If you take it.


If you take what you're offering and you come up with a price, that's.


High enough that it's hard for you to say.


Just barely, but it.


You're going to choke a little bit when.


You say it.


And then you.


You make sure that you 10X that price and you make your offer worth 10 times what you're asking for, and you deliver that.


It'll make. It'll make the process of getting the payment much easier.


To be brave and say that big number.


Well, yeah, I mean definitely and it and it helps if you can do some of the stuff on the mindset to help you with that just because, I mean, I've had clients where it's like ohh pick a number that you, you feel it's just a little stretch. But if then kind of got the.


Self doubt and things behind it, then even that stretch number won't get them the same results versus if they.


You can get some of those thoughts and feelings on board, so when they show up and say that big number that feels a stretch, they're showing up from that, that best place of, you know, their highest self and and that that confidence and passion that inspires people that go people to say, oh, actually I want a little bit of that especially like for coaches like part of what people are investing in is like they want.


They want a little bit of you and a little bit of your energy and they kind of wanna learn how that works and yeah.


Yeah, that's why I'm saying you 10X that price and you make the value that 10 times price. So it's a no brainer. It's like of course I want all of that for such a little price.


Oh yeah, no, I get that essentially like I mean that's a long standing marketing.


I think for me, a lot of times I used to hold myself back because it's like, oh, here's my 10X value, but then I'd have this sneaky little thought of like. But what if I can't get that value for that person? Or what if I don't get it right this time? And those little sneaky thoughts would sneak in and then, yeah, suddenly the person was going ohh. I think I'll think about it.


And I don't think I've got the money and things like that too. So, yeah, just from my own experience there of going, actually. Yeah, you're right. I can see where I was missing a couple of things there.


Yeah, and and it does happen. I mean you're, you're out there trying to present stuff and it's not your job to make sure that they get the results. It's your job to provide the information, their job to get the results, just have this conversation with my kids in.


School. I let them go to a public.


It was an alternative school for high school and it went for three years, each of them, and they all graduated when they were 16.


So their job going to school was to get A's because I could get them C's at home. There was no reason for them to go to school other than to get this piece of paper. It was a privilege. Their job was to suck the information out of the instructors in order to get these.


These was the instructors job to give them information. That's all those job is is to stand up in front of you and tell you stuff. It's your job to extract that information and make it applicable and memorable for you. And it worked really well for them. They all did really well in the school.


But it's not. It's not the instructors job to make sure that you're learning. It's your job to make sure you're learning.


Yeah, yeah, I've definitely had some some issues with some of that stuff. Like I found myself being kind of like an extra capable person and put an extra lot of pressure on myself, like certain type personality types get attracted to that. And then it's like you can end up in this situation.


Where it's like they expect you to do everything. Like I I was creating this stuff for myself, especially through a lot of, you know, lack of.


Lot of self doubt and a lot of I guess lack of self esteem at the time and things. So yeah, definitely some things that I've had to work through and I'm kind of like now that you're talking about it. I'm really glad that I'm not not working with people who are like that, you know like they're actually showing up and taking the responsibility for their side. And I guess like I'm showing up in a play.


That sort of says, here's what I expect, and I expect you to take the responsibility for that side. So yeah, definitely.


That's a lot of it. It's just your expectations for your clients too. And you don't have to work with everybody. You need to interview these.


People on on the other side too. It's just like, do I really want to work with this person or is this person going to be like?


So much work that it's not, it's not worth it to me or or make sure that you're pricing it so that it is worth it to you because it it will show up in the way that you show up.


Yeah, especially on one-on-one coaching group coaching kind of a different story because then they're just one of a group of people and their personality will kind of get muted.


A little bit.


And the whole group can lift them.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Ohh man yeah just I'm thinking like the the actual value of like groupthink and group dynamics and the group coaching thing, yeah.


And thought about it like that, but yes. And the the power of sometimes if you've got one, I don't want to say bad apple, but one like completely different personality in the group, but they're a dominant personality and it changes the whole dynamic and stuff. Yeah.


I I admit, sometimes I'm that person.


Really, dial it back.


Like, I'm not here to coach. I'm here to be coached.


I just need to shut up.


Yeah. And it's hard sometimes.


Yeah, yeah, definitely. When you're used to naturally being a leader and naturally having the answers and speaking up and that kind of stuff. Absolutely.


It really doesn't help the the person who's trying to coach you. It it just confuses everybody else because no two people teach things in exactly the same way, and everybody has their own ideas about things. And so.


When you try to step into that role that you're paying.


For their information, again it's, you know, your job to be absorbing the information that they're putting out and assimilating it so that it works for you. You're not there to like.


Offer your opinion.


Yep, true.


Sometimes you can fall into the trap of of being asked your opinion and giving it, and that's not really all that helpful.


True, very true.


It just ends up confusing people.


Yeah, yeah.


Things we learn in life. I'm not really good at it all the time, but I do. I do recognize that it's one of those things that I do and that I need to.


Be careful not to do.


So do you do group coaching and one-on-one coaching, just group coaching just one-on-one coaching. Are you just doing your podcast? What?


What did you do?


So Oh yeah, I do. The podcast. I do one-on-one coaching.


I run a podcast accountability group for other podcasters, and that keeps us all on track. And yeah, and then in the future, I'm like, I've tried to launch group coaching, but I've never really had people take me up on it. So I'm thinking in the future. It's gonna be like a one-on-one group hybrid. And maybe that has enough of the balance.


That kind of stuff.


So yeah, that's kind of the plan cause like 8 weeks of bravery together and all that good stuff. Just I think it would be amazing in a group I can see the vision. Yeah. Haven't always been great at getting everybody else to see that vision with me or people wanna do things at different times and things like that. Like my thing about bravery is I do help people.


With a range of things. So like some people can be helping them get on camera. Some people it's, you know, getting their clients and others.


Doing running master classes or launching their podcast on one of my new clients is writing a book and things of that. So it's like I have that general knowledge and can help people across all of those things. So.


So do you do a lot of Co working with your your clients?


Oh oh.


Have you thought about it?


I'm not sure like like how do you mean? Do you mean so like done with you services or do you mean like Co working like ohh let's show up together and work.


Yeah, not not.


So much actually. I mean, yeah, like when I used to do things weekly, like now I do things every second week. So there's like 2 sessions in the month. So it's kind of like ohh, we get in and then they have time to implement in between sessions when we did stuff weekly, I think it was a bit more of that, OK like let's.


Work on this stuff together, but it's a lot of the the mindset and the the marketing stuff, so.


Yeah, interesting. I've I've seen some people doing that model of the work along or Co working and it it can work in some situations, especially if you're all kind of working on something that's sort of similar.


And you might have like questions where you're doing it and getting answers and and then having accountability at the end of.


The work.


Frame that just really helps helps you make sure that you're getting it done.


Your other stack.


I definitely can see that in in a group dynamic, but when you asked me that I was thinking in one-on-one.


Terms and I was.


Like I tried that that, that.


Oh no.


Feels immediately awkward to me.


That doesn't mean that.


It's not valuable, and I'm like, oh, is this a new thing? Are people?


Doing this tell.


Me. Oh, no, no. I'm talking about a group you cause you're talking about.


The different things that people could come to you for, and I was just thinking that, you know, if they're all working on their own thing that you could, you could be available and working on your own stuff. But if you're all like with your cameras off on zoom for an hour and you know you have.


Yeah, yeah.


You haven't agreed upon thing at the beginning that you're going to accomplish during this hour. Everybody goes to work if they got questions, they can pop back on and ask you, but then they're back to doing their thing and and then at the end, you have the accountability part.


Did you did you get that thing done?


Yeah, I actually I'm in a membership at the moment. They run those and I was because I used to be kind of like because I'm so independent, I've been doing this for so long. Like, what do I need Co working for them like other people working? I mean, I just go and get stuff done. And then I found sort of the power of it was like the discussion before the little bit of discussion afterwards and.


That kind of stuff, it was like, ohh right, this is what this is about. Now I get it.


Yeah, yeah.


Like the party on so many things that have been around for years, but I get there in the end sometimes.


So, you know, not everything's for everybody. But I thought it was kind of interesting. And I I've had some recent experiences with it. I think that's why it it's kind of front of mind for me and that it's like ohh this this was really actually kind of helpful and.


Because somebody shared something at the end.


Of one of the last ones I was.


In and it's.


Just like wow, that was amazing. That was.


Worth the whole.


Hour of me sitting here doing this thing.


Just for that.


Oh my gosh. What? What did she share? Do you mind if?


I ask or?


It was a it was a copywriting.


Workshop and.


I'll just tell you it was Joanne Homestead. She did this copywriting workshop and I went to it and she gave some some prompts. It was how to write your about me introduction for a nurture sequence and the gal that that shared at the end.


OK. Yeah.


Heard it was just like.


So good. All right, back to the drawing board for me.


Yeah. Yeah, I didn't think of that actually, because yeah, I do have that kind of coworking in my master classes where it's like, actually, I teach a bit. Then you actually do a bit. People share. But yeah, I didn't think about that.


Was Co working as well in like a master class sense, but yeah.


I think that that.


Is really powerful in in terms of cementing in people.


Those heads. What? What it is that you've taught them so that they can actually implement it? Cause a lot of problems, I think with most master classes is that people never really implement the thing that you're teaching them. They really don't.


They don't have enough of the pieces to to do it, and if you're giving them time to actually get something accomplished.


And then they've they've been brave. They've taken that first step, which is really the hardest thing.


Yeah, absolutely. And I mean like that helps adults learn like they learn by doing. And also like from a launch perspective is like you're giving somebody like a result ahead of time and showing that, you know, you're worth investing in. So yeah, definitely, I love having. And I love having interactive stuff. I don't just want to teach people go. Yeah, that sounds nice. They go away and they don't do.


That's why I've created the the Facebook group to go with the master classes this time so that it's so people can get the extra foundational stuff that I can't squeeze into 90 minutes cause it's just like there's, you know, a bit of knowledge to learn for the, you know, the check-ins and, you know, it's hard to teach the check-ins when you're not at that point. It's like, oh, I need to check in for the week and.


Yeah, yeah.


So many cool things out there happening ways to do things and just.


Yeah, putting on your brave suit and getting started.


Yeah, absolutely.


So, Tiffany, how do people get in touch with you?


Yeah. So I hang out the most over on Instagram. So at Tiffany G Studios, TIFF ANYG for golf STUDIOS.


No spaces, no underscores, nothing like that, and yeah.


And from there you could probably find.


Me in the Facebook group or on on Instagram so perfect. Perfect. So what's the one thing that you hope the audience takes away from this conversation?


Yeah, just that your your thoughts have power and you actually have the ability to choose thoughts that that work for you which?


You know, like I was sort of talking about before with in some situations, it's like, oh, I had the thought of ohh, you know, like during a sales call or something, if you ever thought ohh, they can't afford this all of a sudden. All of your actions and everything sort of make that the case. And yet if you have the thought, actually this is amazing value and all that stuff that we talked about, it's like.


The power of.


The thoughts and you can actually choose your thoughts and that can help with your getting results. So yeah.


Amazingly, help you amazingly happy, yeah.


Thank you so much for joining me. This is vina.


Very brave and wonderful call.


Yeah. Thank you so much for having me. It's been amazing.

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The You World Order Showcase Podcast
Inspiring Conversations with Coaches Transforming Lives and the World—Practical Tools for Personal Growth and Positive Change
Featuring life, health & transformation coaches being the change they want to see in the world! Listen in as they share what they are doing to make the world a better, kinder and more sustainable place for us all as they navigate the journey between coach and entrepreneur. And share their expertise to make your life better in the process.

Jill Hart - The Coach's Alchemist &
Host, You World Order Showcase Podcast
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Jill Hart

The Coach's Alchemist & host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast is dedicated to empowering life, health and transformational coaches being the change they want to see in the world. Join our private community, where you will find support, networking & collaboration, get featured on our podcast and we also provide coaching to help you find clients with podcasts. It all starts with joining our community! (it's free)